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Why should you become a member of FindTheBiz (FTB)? 

FTB live since September 2011                                                                                                                                             revised: 1-25-2024


The question you should really be asking is: Why should you not become a member! Listed below are eighty-two reasons why you should become a member. These reasons gave rise to the concept, creation, and development of FTB. These facts, truths, and understandings you may have or may not have realized should stimulate, motivate, and convince you to become a member of FTB today

You should become a member... 

     FindTheBiz understands the importance of your online marketing

  1. because the FTB focus is to genuinely help your business reach its full potential through fair play. This is our #1 purpose for FTB.
  2. because FTB is truly a fair and level business marketing service for businesses A to Z.
  3. because with FTB as your marketing channel you have free reign to market and promote the way you need to.
  4. because the internet is a wide-open communication tool, and you have equal rights to market and promote your business(s). At FTB we reject the notion that any company, service, or person should be able to commandeer this tool and play lord, gatekeeper, or controller over your marketing message and promotion. Your customer service and promotional effectiveness should be the only major factors that positively or negatively affect your business growth, direction and bottom line. Not being able to get your message out there to be seen by hundreds, even thousands of people in your community should be outdated! Marketing your biz with FTB makes it that way.
  5. because FTB ensures that your marketing and promotion will not be blocked, hindered, held back, ranked for placement, or limited, and being able to digitally target market consumers and patrons seeking your products and services is hugely important and invaluable in a world where everyone searches online prior to making a purchase.   
  6. because we at FTB know that most business owners are perfectly capable of running their own marketing and promotional campaigns just like they do their business. FTB even has a private blog to help inform them on how to do so.  
  7. because the FTB marketing and promotion service is what millions of business owners to help take their businesses to the next level
  8. because even in a crowded environment your voice deserves to be heard, read, or seen through all the noise just as we expect for ourselves when we speak to God.
  9. because FTB was specifically made to support business owners because we know the overwhelming of businesses owners became owners to provide good products and services to people within their communities and beyond and to make a good living.
  10. because when it comes to business, people can make their own choices and they often desire more choices, and FTB will keep your business relevant.
  11. because millions more businesses will flourish with the FTB marketing service which is the way things should be done in America and in other countries where small businesses are predominant driver of the economy. receives 
  12. because FTB is the fair-n-square marketing service made for you to ensure your business receives good exposure, and always has a voice, even if it is a new start-up business.
  13. because in this day of the internet absence of or ineffective business marketing, and poor exposure should not be the cause of your business floundering, struggling, and/or failing to survive.
  14. because unhindered and continuous marketing and promotion is absolutely necessary for most small businesses to reach their full potential, and you deserve to get the most out of your marketing efforts!
  15. because FTB is here to make sure your business is relevant by making sure you have a positive way to advertise and promote your business daily.
  16. because FTB is here to be an asset to your business by helping your business get the recognition it deserves and keeping your brand out there!

Strong Objections Drove the Creation of the FindTheBiz Marketing Service  

  1. because the FTB format is designed to provide our members with limitless marketing and promotion for superior power and control of their online advertising.  
  2. because FTB always provides all our members with a fair and level playing field for all our members without regard to membership level. We all understand that only one business can be in first place, but search engines and other marketing services have made it an impossible competition where thousands of businesses compete to be first on their platforms. It is insane. Yet, they have been the only games in town. Based on your location, you should always be first, that is fair!
  3. because FTB, unlike others, gives you the ability to protect and control your business name, your brand from people with malice who can cause considerable damage to your brand and adversely affect your bottom line.
  4. because everything about FTB was made to represent your business… so you can put our logo on your business cards along with your web address and make FTB your channel. You will not go wrong.
  5. because with FTB your online marketing is always on and never hidden.
  6. because FTB is simply better direct marketing and promotion for your business.
  7. because we at FTB understand just how important direct marketing and promotion is to businesses at any stage, especially start-ups. Your biz should always be found and well represented online… FTB will make that happen for your business.
  8. because the FTB marketing platform empowers the voice of your business within your community, and beyond which leads to broad recognition which overall will result in a great ROI.
  9. because with a good message FTB members can dramatically change and improve their business brand with continuous exposure in their local community and beyond.
  10. because with FTB your location makes your business #1 and with a simple but powerful message you can draw in more consumers in your community on FindTheBiz.
  11. because FTB will never game your business by playing lord, gatekeeper, controller or hinderer of your business marketing and promotion, and knowledge of SEO is completely unnecessary. You are in control of your business destiny with FTB.
  12. because no other marketing service is about your business like FTB.
  13. because FTB is a business-friendly community marketing and promotion service. Our service does not support feuding and harsh or nasty banter between any of our members.
  14. because with FTB your business profile provides you with monitoring statistics for your business profile views.
  15. because at FTB we know and understand that your business is just as important as anyone else’s.
  16. because FTB does not rate or make your business second and, your business should always be first, FTB app GPS ensures it. We suggest that you NEVER let anyone tell you your business is second or put your business in second place.
  17. because FTB is committed to developing and designing new ways to help our members effectively market and promote their business online, within their community and beyond.
  18. because the FTB format is designed to give your business limitless possibilities. 
  19. because FTB empowers your business with the ability to post a sale or event (within your biz profile), post it to social media, push it to those who favorite your business and positively affect your daily bottom line.
  20. because with FTB you can directly reward and thank people who favorite your business(s) via a push notice sent to their phone or mobile device which can make them good marketers for your business and lifelong customers or patrons of your business.
  21. because at FTB we understand that competition is inherent in business, and we reject marketing platforms that are designed and formatted to ramp up the competition between businesses. FTB simply lets the consumer decide. 
  22. because other online services have taken control of the marketing reigns for businesses everywhere with their visions of how online marketing should be for millions upon millions of businesses even though these platforms weed out and adversely affect millions upon millions other businesses which don’t market or do well on these platforms. At FTB we know millions of businesses will never reach anywhere near their potential because of such ridiculous regulating on a wide-open communication tool. Therefore, FTB is here to help all business owners get their biz on equally… The way it should be.
  23. because your business and bottom line has been negatively impacted by the current direction of online marketing and promotion. Likewise, improper/inaccurate, and adverse representation of your business by one or more of the present online marketing services has caused your business(s) to suffer.
  24. because other online marketing and advertising service platforms have been made to unfairly exclude and even harm the reputation of too many great businesses by structuring and coding their services to suppress or suffocate their business messages, purposeful or not.
  25. because most other internet advertising systems are designed and structured so that if you don’t know their game or you are not playing their game(s) then your business(s) will not do well. These designs and formats cause millions of businesses to miss or lose customers or patrons every day.
  26. because you simply disagree with, detest, abhor, and reject the other online marketing services which ramp up competition, make you jump through hoops, cost too much and you just don't like the other online marketing services! The way they do things just doesn’t sit right within your spirit just as it does not within ours at FTB!
  27. because your business is being pigeonholed as result of current online marketing practices and your marketing efforts are ineffective, fruitless, and unproductive as a result.
  28. because online marketing services are designed with platforms that perpetuate the false notion that only so many businesses deserve the limelight and are meant to do well in business while most others deserve mediocracy or less.
  29. because all websites exist in a sea of websites. If everyone were to build their own apps, it would be the same situation, not to mention the expense of building and maintaining an app.
  30. because the FTB service keeps your business out front and provides you with an effective marketing and promotion platform which supports the integrity of your business at a very reasonable cost.
  31. because if your business is suffering due to poor or nonexistent marketing, FTB was made to be the answer you need. With FTB you are in control of your business destiny. Control is in your hands, not someone else’s hands.
  32. because other services are now trying to control the flow of patrons, patients and consumers who come to your business by pooling them and attempting to coax you to pay their service in order to receive consumers from their pool which means millions more businesses will be left out.
  33. because most businesses grow by reaching out and connecting with the public through marketing and promotion efforts, and those services that restrict, limit or are hit-and-miss for your online marketing efforts are not providing proper and fair online representation of your business. It is imperative for you to market your brand constantly and continuously, and more marketing services are placing strangle holds on businesses that don’t play, know how, and/ or cannot afford to play their games. This results in a loss of optional goods and services to the public and negatively impacts millions of businesses and their owners, their families, and their employees.
  34. because you should always and forever remain lord, and controller over your online business marketing and promotion. FTB gives you the power and control to take back your rights, but with other services the concern about your rights is evident as seen through their platforms.
  35. because at FTB we realize your brand is an asset and only you should be entrusted to protect it just as you do your own personal reputation. Thus, you should always monitor it and remain in control of it. Don’t allow marketing services to benefit from your brand while you pay them if these same service’s platforms can harm what you’ve worked hard to build! This is a blatant conflict of interest.
  36. because you deserve to have a marketing service which truly advocates for your business marketing and promotion voice.
  37. because FTB makes it simple for you because we know many have shied away from the hassles and complexities of online marketing.
  38. because your business is dependent on word-of-mouth referrals to grow, but the monthly ups and downs caused by unreliable and sporadic referral sources, which includes those other internet marketing services, results in mediocre performance and little to no profit margin. FTB is a way to circumvent the dependency on these unreliable, inconsistent, unpredictable, and fickle sources and effectively boost your bottom line. It is a given that no one else will treat your business as well as you do so, let the words from your mouth, in a video for your business, be your game changer. YOU should always be your best word-of-mouth referral source, and now you can with FindTheBiz!
  39. because with FTB there are no hoops to jump through. Just choose your plan, complete your profile and presto your business profile is out there and in first place. other services have snatched control like it is their world therefore, you must jump through their hoops to thrive. It is not their world! It belongs to all people born into it!  
  40. because power and controls were snatched from the hands of business owners, but FTB was made for you to take it back.  
  41. because FTB was designed and developed from the perspective of a small business owner who has 30+ years of experience and understanding of what it takes to run a business, as well as knowledge of the time and energy required to run it, complete familiarity with the numerous upfront, unexpected, pop-up, and unrelenting costs, and fees to maintain and promote it, and the perseverance needed to deal with it all.  Therefore, the FTB marketing service was made to help make business life easier and promotion more effective.

FindTheBiz Saves You Money 

  1. because we are not here to nickel and dime your business marketing.
  2. because FTB gives you freedom to market and promote when you want or need to together with the freedom from the expense of marketing and promotion.   
  3. because with FTB you can market your business without a website, which is a great benefit for start-up businesses.
  4. because your costs are fixed with FTB and simply depend on your membership level.  
  5. because FTB gives you more marketing and promotion freedoms without the associated costs.
  6. because with FTB there is no threat of busting your advertising budget.
  7. because with FTB allows you to list up to 3 businesses (of the same name) within one biz profile.
  8. because with FTB there is no need to hire an online marketing expert to help you market and promote your business. You can do it yourself with little effort.
  9. because it costs you “nothing’ to post a sale or special event with FTB. There is no profit splitting.
  10. because you can update any part of your business profile (pictures, videos, sale or event) anytime you want, at no additional cost.
  11. because you are fed-up with owning a good business that only or barely supports from paycheck to paycheck. You want to live more of the American Dream.
  12. because FTB gives you continuous exposure at a reasonable and fixed yearly cost. 

Why FindTheBiz Just Makes Good Sense       

  1. because other services just don’t treat you right, but being a member of FindTheBiz is like having your own marketing service with an app continuously working for your business.
  2. because the internet which is given to everyone should work for businesses much more fairly and equally!
  3. because if you start a legal and legitimate business with good intentions to perform good customer service and provide good products and service, you have the God given right to equally succeed just as everyone else. God bless America… land that I love!
  4. because your business(s) should, at least, be in the discussion when consumers in your area seek your services and/or products.
  5. because it makes practical sense that when your business is constantly and continuously being seen especially if you are launching deals or events on the FTB App you will draw in more customers and patrons, and it cost you nothing to do it every day of the year.
  6. because FTB is your channel... It was made for you. It works for you, and we are open to your suggestions.
  7. because the FTB pledge is taken by business owners who know that providing good customer service is imperative to having a successful and thriving business.
  8. because why let someone else (especially platforms with algorithms that limit, hinder, block, preclude those who don't jump through certain hoops, and others that can adversely harm your business reputation) control your marketing and promotion when you can easily do it yourself?
  9. because the reasons why you should far outweigh the reasons why you shouldn't!
  10. because it just makes sense!
  11. because you can do more with FindTheBiz than you can other marketing services! 
  12. because FTB had to be created to make business marketing fairer for all businesses.
  13. because current marketing trends on the net can be termed “insanity marketing”’ marketing services that ignore the needs of, and are roadblocks to millions of businesses, yet businesses as a whole are expected to do much better on these platforms when it is not possible.                              
  14. We have listed many good and obvious reasons why the FindTheBiz Service is right for your business although you may produce a few of your own. We know once you become a member you will love the freedoms and control you have as a FTB member, as well as the continuous exposure your business receives on the FTB apps.



*To get the greatest benefits from the FindTheBiz become a Gold or Platinum member because app users who view your videos are much more likely to patronize your business(s)! Listed below are stats which for how effective video for your business can be.

From the inception FTB was developed to be a video marketing and promoting service for business owners to gain more control and take charge of their internet advertising. You should be video marketing your business because a good video is a powerful way to brand your business and help to make your business a household name in and around your community. See our blog post on How to Make a Great Video for Your Business

Listed below are present trending numbers that should prompt you to start video marketing your business right now:  

  • Video marketing is the fastest growing internet market, and it is the future content of the web.
  • If a picture is worth a thousand words, then 1 minute of video is worth 1.8 million words. (James McQuivey). (Video Marketing: The Future of Content Marketing, Forbes Agency Council)
  • It is projected that video will take up 80% of online traffic by 2019. (Video Marketing: The Future of Content Marketing, Forbes Agency Council)
  • Landing pages with video can convert 80% of their traffic. (Video Marketing: The Future of Content Marketing, Forbes Agency Council)
  • 90% of consumers say video influences their purchasing decisions. (Video Marketing: The Future of Content Marketing, Forbes Agency Council)
  • 85% of the US internet audience watch videos online. (37 Staggering Video Marketing Stats for 2018, Mary Lister, May 1, 2018)
  • Marketing via video can generate 66% more qualified leads. (Video Marketing Stats: What You Must Know, Sharon Hurley Hall, May 1, 2018)
  • 97% of businesses utilizing video say it helps users understand their business better. (Wyzowl’s 2017 Stat of Video Marketing) (Video Marketing Stats: What You Must Know, Sharon Hurley Hall, May 1, 2018)
  • Businesses using video have noted 60% returning customer rate. (Tiger Fitness, Video Marketing Stats: What You Must Know, Sharon Hurley Hall, May 1, 2018)
  • Watching video accounts for 1/3 of online activity. (37 Staggering Video Marketing Stats for 2018, Mary Lister, May 1, 2018)
  • Facebook numbers show 500 million Facebook users watch videos daily. (Forbes) (37 Staggering Video Marketing Stats for 2018, Mary Lister, May 1, 2018) 
  • Video marketing will grow your business 49% faster than not using video. (37 Staggering Video Marketing Stats for 2018, Mary Lister, May 1, 2018)
  • Most people, if given the choice between reading text or watching a video, would choose the video. In fact, 79% of consumers would rather watch a video than read about a product. (Wyzowl) (Video Marketing Stats: What You Must Know, Sharon Hurley Hall, May 1, 2018)
  • 2/3 of online marketers use video to market. (Video Marketing Stats: What You Must Know, Sharon Hurley Hall, May 1, 2018)
  • HubSpot found that 43% of consumers want to view more videos. (Video Marketing Stats: What You Must Know, Sharon Hurley Hall, May 1, 2018)
  • 90% of users view videos on their mobile device. Video Marketing Stats: What You Must Know, Sharon Hurley Hall, May 1, 2018)
  • People who view videos retain 95% of your message versus 10% retention when reading text. (37 Staggering Video Marketing Stats for 2018, Mary Lister, May 1, 2018)
  • Marketers, 51%, across the world say video has the best ROI. (37 Staggering Video Marketing Stats for 2018, Mary Lister, May 1, 2018)
  • Google has found that 50% of web users view videos before visiting a store. (Video Marketing Stats: What You Must Know, Sharon Hurley Hall, May 1, 2018) 
  • Web users spend 88% more time on your website if you have video. (37 Staggering Video Marketing Stats for 2018, Mary Lister, May 1, 2018)
  • There are 8 billion video views on Facebook daily. (Video Marketing Stats: What You Must Know, Sharon Hurley Hall, May 1, 2018)
  • Cisco states that there will be 1 million minutes of video per second crossing the web by 2020 and 82% of internet traffic will be video viewed by consumers. (Video Marketing Stats: What You Must Know, Sharon Hurley Hall, May 1, 2018)
  • Video will improve your SEO and therefore your click-through rates if you are seeking to improve your page position. 

Take home message: Start marketing your business with video today! Do not get left behind!

What does the FindTheBiz App do?

The App is a business locator for consumers and a fantastic marketing and promotion device for business owners. The FTB App displays businesses by location, GPS. Consumers search by type of business, only. Search results will display matching member businesses. Searches can also be made by name, city, state and/or zip code. Search results display icons which are associated with business search results helping to explain what is in the business profile. The numbers next to the icons denote sale(s), event(s), photos, video(s) and testimonial(s). These are located at the bottom of each member listing if present within the biz profile. Clicking on the business name opens the business profile for the user to view.  Depending upon the level of membership a business profile may contain an extensive or limited business or personal bio, photo(s), video(s), sale(s) and/or special event(s).

When the app is opened it displays businesses that are closest to the user’s device. The FTB App provides a great way for your business to stay on the radar of consumers in your community. It works most effectively for business owners who seek and need more control via direct advertising to consumers. Business owners can keep their business out front by having frequent sales or hosting or sponsoring events as often as they wish without worry of sharing or splitting their profits. 

What makes FindTheBiz.com different?

With FTB your online marketing is completely in your hands. It is uncomplicated, easy to manage and requires zero knowledge of SEO! Listing your biz with FTB provides you with the most powerful internet marketing tool to promote and market your business to your local public. Your location determines your listing, and you determine the effectiveness of your online marketing. With FTB you control your testimonials or reviews. There is no rating system; we simply let the consumer decide based on your message to them. Your focus need only be to put out a good and informative biz profile with a good video commercial message to fully exploit the true benefits of FTB. Having a sale or event exponentially increases the likelihood of your business being patronized. 

Our Gold and Platinum Members are able convey to their local consumers effectively via year around video commercial(s) about their business. FindTheBiz.com can be your website if you choose, although we do provide a direct link to your website if you already have one or you will be developing one. By choosing to become a Gold or Platinum Member you receive a television and radio-like platform to promote your biz at a fraction of the cost 24/7 - 365 days a year. FTB is all about you and your biz and since we know that 97% of consumers search for local businesses online and 90% of them call for more information, come in or make a purchase after performing the search better initial contact information will give you a distinct advantage over the competition. There are other options out there for you but none of them provides a platform that gives you superior control of your internet presence like FindTheBiz.com. We exist to give you the security of knowing your marketing is highly effective, working for you, with cost controls in place, reigns to control of your online biz profile, and to give you the power to connect with your local public 24/7 – 365 without worry.

Get Started Now! Just Click:  FindTheBiz.com or call (800) 376-0384