Frequently Asked Questions
Updated: 12-23-2023
1. What is the true purpose of FindTheBiz.com?
The FindTheBiz concept was founded in 2010. The purpose of FindTheBiz (FTB) service was built to empower small business owners (us little guys with less than 9 business locations 5 miles or more apart) with exceptional marketing and promotion to reach many more consumers in their area to grab a greater share of the market and establish their brands. With your Smartphone, you can easily control, monitor, and change your FTB business profile whenever you desire and/or need to. FTB puts these controls in your hands. Furthermore, we resolve your online exposure worries with a service that delivers fairness to all our members by displaying your business solely based on location and without preference towards any level of membership. All members receive fair and equal exposure irrespective of their membership level. FTB members can market their business with videos, photos, an extensive and informative bio or business description (for our paid members). Paid members can announce sales or events via push notices to consumers who favorite your business and directly to their social media. Additionally, your online reputation is completely under your control with FTB because testimonials/reviews are held in suspense until you approve or disapprove of them. As an FTB member, you are part of a friendly business community website, and our terms of service speak to this.
The FTB service is committed to future upgrades which includes new and improved ways for our members to attract customers and patrons, more effectively, to their businesses. Additionally, we want consumers and patrons to have confidence in FTB business members while having a pleasing experience when using our service. Our FTB pledge was drafted to provide quality assurance to consumers that FTB members are about providing good customer service. If your business is a large part of the dream you need to achieve success which will lead to a happy and fulfilling life, then FTB is here to help you live your dream and live in it with an abundance of prosperity. The concept of FTB comes from the knowledge and understanding that millions more people should be doing better in life. Therefore, the FTB platform is structured to be inclusive, not exclusive, which seems to be the concept of 99.8% of other marketing services.
2. Why should I become a member of FindTheBiz.com?
FindTheBiz, the brainchild of a small business owner with more than 30 years of experience, is a marketing service with apps specifically designed and developed to give business owners total control of their of their marketing and promotion messages without the headaches, worries, and unnecessary complications and complexities employed by major search engines, and all other online marketing services that have commandeered a God given communication tool meant to shared fair and equally by everyone. While other services continue to develop, structure, organize, and improve upon platforms that limit, preclude, block, restrict, and weed out milions upon millions of business owners marketing and promotion efforts with such exclusion algorithms, FindTheBiz exists to provide simple and easy marketing and promotion freedoms to all legitimate and legal business owners.
The FTB marketing and promotion service provides fair and equal exposure to all its members. FTB enables business owners to target market to consumers within their community. FTB alleviates headaches and hassles of other online marketing services. FTB members are in total control of their FTB business profile. Members can update and change their profile whenever they want to at no charge. There are 4 distinct levels of FTB… Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Our paid members can promote by sale or special event and link these to social media and/or send pushes to consumers who favorite their business. Gold and Platinum members can use a separate video to launch a sale or event.
The FTB platform was developed by business owners who understand the importance of:
- maintaining a good and reputable business and protecting that reputation.
- marketing and promoting your brand within your community.
- having more online marketing control.
- maintaining fair and more than reasonable business marketing and promotion expenses.
- not gaming your marketing and promotion by ramping up competition because competition is always inherent in business.
- the “KISS Principle” and not making biz owners jump through hoops to market effectively, especially when it is service members pay to be part of.
- new start-ups needing to create a brand and business reputation without the considerable cash outlay to do it.
- having the back of our members.
When FTB went live back in October 2011 our format began as a video marketing format for our members to have their own self-controlled marketing channel. In 2010 email marketing was still providing the best ROI and the push to video market was in its infancy. Numbers now show that online marketers agree that video marketing provides the best ROI, approximately 52% and quickly increasing. Present numbers show that 87% of online marketers are using video to market their products and services. FTB provides your business with the ability to utilize this powerful tool and, if you are not presently using it you are losing business. FTB has made it so your business stands out from others by message delivered to consumers from first contact and ongoing communications to the public and to consumers who are already in love with your business. This is how it should be! The FTB motto is to let the consumer decide. The result is a level playing field for all FTB members. The yield is unlimited marketing power and control, so you can achieve gains in revenue. You can even affect your day-to-day profits by launching a sale and/or event and changing them daily without any concern over cost. Additionally, FTB exists to help reduce your marketing budget and curtail the profit sharing your business has with companies that exist to cut into your profit margin. When it comes to your marketing FTB has your back! There are no hidden charges or surprises. FTB is here to help make sure your business is found and branded within your local community!
Still need more convincing. Check out our "More Information" link at the bottom of the page because there are more than 80 good reasons why becoming a member is wise on your part.
3. Will you please adjust or make changes to my business address, phone number, business hours, etc.?
All biz profiles listed on FindTheBiz were created by the business owner. FTB representatives don't have a way to verify you are who you say you are. Therefore, we will not be able to make changes to your biz profile other than the periodic improvements to the FTB marketing service. Each level of FTB membership is formatted and structured to allow our members to make any changes to their business vitals (address(s), phone numbers, URL’s, business hours), media (photos and/ or video), business bio or description, and data including announcements of sales and events all on their own. Any corrections, modifications, changes, and updates can and should only be made by the business owner. Biz members, it is your job to make all changes yourself. That is the beauty of FTB. You are in control of your biz profile.
Business hours have been added to all biz profiles. If changes need to be made to your business hours, you must make them yourself. To edit these hours:
1) Access your member dashboard.
2) Click “Businesses” at the top of the page or on the right side of the page.
3) Click on “Add Business”. (Note: You can add up to 3 businesses of the same name with a 5-mile location restriction.)
4) Scroll down the “editing businesses” page until you get to the business day boxes.
Business hour defaults may display (i.e.: start 8:00 AM and end 5:00 PM).
5) To change your business hours, click the mini clock icon in the box of the days you are changing.
6) If you are closed any day, check the closed box for that day and "Closed" will display in your listed business hours for the days you
check as closed.
7) After clicking on the mini clock icon, you will be able to select your hours, minutes and whether AM/PM on the left side of the box by using
your mouse or the up/down arrows on your keyboard.
8) Don’t forget to click the “Save Changes” button after making any changes to your business profile at the bottom of the page.
* If you don’t see time adjust controls described, or you cannot make the adjustments because your browser will not perform this function, your browser may be old and needs to be updated. If you don’t want to update it, don’t fret. You can always login to your biz profile on a computer with an up-to-date browser and make the necessary corrections/changes.
** If you can't access your biz profile because you forgot your password, simply click the "Forgot Password?" link at the top of the front page of the website. Enter your login email address and you will receive a link to reset your password. Be advised: we strongly recommend that you and only you remain in control of your login password (see FTB T of S #3 Registration).
4. Why should I video market my business?
You don’t have to video market but if you don’t you are leaving out a great and powerful resource which if done well will certainly increase yearly revenue. Research shows that marketing with video grows your business 49% faster than not using video. One half of all web users will view a video before visiting a store. Using a video to market your business will yield a 54% increase in your brand awareness. Wyzowl research found that 90% of consumers watch videos on their mobile device. It has also been found that 66% more leads are generated when using video to market your business. Remember that when it comes to video vs reading about your product or service approximately 95% of consumers would rather watch a video than read about it. People also retain much more information after watching a video about something vs reading about it. See the "More Information" link at the bottom of every page of the FTB website for a greater understanding of how video(s) can positively affect your bottom line.
5. How long can the video be?
Each video can only have a maximum length of 60 seconds. It does need to be long to be good. A good and professional 30-second video can be extremely effective.
6. How do I make the video and in what format should the videos be made?
Your video should be produced in one of the following formats: 1280/720p or higher quality HD videos will work. If your video format is of this quality or higher, uploading it will likely not incur any issue. To minimize upload issues and to maintain quality control of our site FTB.com we require your video production to conform to the above formats. If your video is not produced in one of the suggested formats or if it does not meet the time requirements there may be issues during your upload.
7. Can you refer me to a videographer?
Unfortunately, at this time we cannot provide you with a videographer due to the quality screening issues for such a large service area. Smartphones can make, edit, and yield professional quality videos with HD resolution. Consider making the video yourself as many people do on YouTube (and they get paid for them). If you do not know of any videographers in your area or you yourself cannot produce the quality of video you would like to display, then we recommend searching the internet for such providers near you. Qualified companies or professional videographers would include those who provide video memories for weddings, birthday parties, anniversaries, or any other special occasions. Additionally, you may find a videographer via an internet or YouTube search.
8. How do I upload my video(s) and photo(s)?
To upload your video, you must first upload your video to your computer, smartphone, or mobile device. Assuming you have done this step, click the browse button on the video upload page of your profile. Once you find your video, double click it to load the title in the upload section. If you have done this, click the upload button to transfer the data to the site. Wait for a banner or title to appear at the top of the page. Congratulations, you have completely uploaded your video. Photos are done in the same manner on the page with the photo upload button.
Note: You may not see an upload progression bar or spinning wheel after clicking the "Save Button", but rest assured the site is working on the upload. It may take minutes, up to five or slightly longer. If the video is not of the proper specs, it will not be uploaded.
Note: iPhone videos are recorded in MOV which is an invalid file type when you attempt to upload into your FindTheBiz profile. Please convert your MOV video file to one of the other common files like MP4, MPEG-4, or AVI before attempting to upload it.
9. How do I make panoramic pictures of my facility?
Creating 360 degrees panoramic views of your facility can be easily performed by taking pictures with some smartphones and digital cameras. Finish the photos with a photo editor or have them edited by any photographer with experience.
10. Is there a rating system? Why or why not?
No. We believe testimonials are sufficient. The reason has to do entirely with the purpose of FTB which is to promote and market the businesses of our members. “FindTheBiz is all about your biz.” Therefore, we feel it is best for users to post testimonials to our members’ profiles. We give you control of selecting the testimonials you want to display. Although a negative testimonial can hurt your marketing efforts, and will likely not be displayed, it can also help to improve your business by giving you the opportunity to address and correct any issues or problems given in your testimonials and we strongly suggest that you do just that. There are other websites which may shed a negative light on your business via a rating system and negative reviews. We are not here to have your business deselected or filtered out by negative reviews. FTB was designed to help all its members promote and market their business by informing the users who they are, where they are and what they have to offer. We believe member businesses which receive a negative testimonial will work hard to correct issues adverse to the existence of their business. Afterall, the nature of a successful business is to make changes as needed to improve public relations. Furthermore, as more customers are finding out about your business your revenue will increase and as business owners reinvesting in your business is usually what is needed to improve the business and help to address any adverse issue. Our wish is for all our members to thrive and improve their business each year through year-round business exposure.
11. Why do Platinum members have multiple videos in their profiles?
Platinum members can upload up to 4 different videos. Some suggestions for video production are sale promotions within your business, different season promotions or simply different themes for each video. Rotate your display video as often as you like, but you should keep statistics on the video for the number of new clients you receive when each is displayed to determine which are most effective.
Note: Platinum members get to choose which video will be their "Main Video". The Main Video will always display within the search results and when consumers view your business profile whether the display box is checked or unchecked. Platinum members also can display 1, 2, 3 or 4 videos within their profile when consumers view it. Clicking or ticking the display box above each video will control which videos get displayed or not. Videos without a check mark in the box will not display to consumers although you can view it yourself when you log into your profile. You are in total control of which videos get displayed within your profile. For example, if you upload 4 different videos, one for each season of the year you can display only the one appropriate for that season. Have fun Platinum Members! :^)
12. Can I upload my logo?
Now silver, gold and platinum members can upload their business logo in 1 of 3 shapes: oval, square or rectangular. Choose the one that best fits your logo. Logo specs/limitations are as follows: maximum size of 1MB - file types are gif, jpeg, jpg or png. See our Guidelines Page for instructions on how to upload your logo.
13. How do I post a sale or event?
Sales and events can be posted within Silver, Gold, and Platinum Member profiles. Sales and event post are unlimited and cost you nothing, $0.00. Your sales and events posts get displayed and removed from search displays automatically by the dates and times that you stipulate. You can also edit a posted special, delete it or switch it off at any time. It is all under your control. All 3 levels listed above can upload a photo with each post. However, Gold and Platinum Members have the option of posting a photo or sixty secs. HD video.
There is a Share button for your sale or event posting to your social media accounts.
Note: Sales flash red and event calendars flash blue within search displays.
See our Guidelines page for exactly how to post your sale or event.
14. Why can’t I sign into my business account to modify, update and upload files through the app?
The app was made to make consumers and patrons aware of any small businesses around them so you can convey to them crucial information about your business. Most importantly it was made to be more than reasonable in cost and to provide a fair and level playing field for business exposure to all, not to favorite any business. Your mobile device will require an enormous amount of memory to download such an app. Therefore, you must login to the FindTheBiz website to update and make changes to your business account profile. If you forget your password, click the "forgot password" at the top right corner of the front page of the website. Enter your email address where an update password link will be sent to your email address.
15. Where do my testimonials appear in my business profile?
Registered app users can only give testimonials. All testimonials are held in suspense for your approval under the business link of your profile dashboard. Go to your dashboard and click businesses at the top or to the right of the page. If you have more than one business listed, click the edit link for the one you want to view and approve or disapprove testimonials. If the business has any testimonials held in suspense, you will see them at the top of the page.
FindTheBiz gives you total control of testimonials so that if anything adverse is written about your business you may elect to post it officially or not (delete it when or if you like) because one bad testimonial will affect your bottom line and give your business a bad reputation. FindTheBiz gives you the control so that if or when there is a negative testimonial you can: a) know of it if you didn’t already know, b) address, investigate, and deal with the issue both internally and externally, c) make amends with the customer or patron which gives you the opportunity to build good will for your business.
A terrible experience with a customer or patron will occur if you are in business for a good length of time. You should view any such issues as an opportunity for business growth, and an opportunity to improve your customer service. Note: Going beyond to correct an issue with a customer or patron is an opportunity to totally flip any negative feeling about your business and create a lifelong customer/patron who raves about your business to friends, family, and acquaintances, if you play it right. Therefore, especially in negative situations, always try to create more than satisfied customers/patrons. Afterall, you did agree with the FindTheBiz Pledge for membership.